Our story

“The condition of the sewer network is crucial for the preservation of our environment. It’s time for better thinking and action. We have the expertise and more cost-efficient technologies than ever before.”

For decades, we've been pioneers in the industry, with experience spanning generations and borders. Our team includes Finland's top sewer management professionals.

One thing remains unchanged over the years: people tend to overlook problems that aren't visible. That's why we've taken on the task of documenting public sewer networks – without this, faults won't be detected or repaired.

In Finland, there's already a substantial backlog of sewer maintenance. Apart from the economic challenges, there's a ticking environmental time bomb. Wastewater leakage into the Baltic Sea is a constant issue.

Protecting the Baltic Sea, one pipeline at a time 

Since the 1970s, we've been pioneering the industry, introducing innovations such as high-pressure sewer cleaning and investing in the latest camera technology. Today, we continue to lead the industry, offering more cost-effective and efficient sewer documentation than ever before. We seamlessly integrate data into our cloud-based systems.

Innovation alone isn't enough. We’re proactively educating the industry and delivering timely information to decision-makers. 

Within our team, we bring together decades of experience in sewer network management, cutting-edge technologies, global expansion, and skilled leadership.

Our seasoned team works tirelessly both underground and above ground. We’re protecting the Baltic Sea, one pipeline at a time.


Our values

Our operations as a company and as individuals are based on the following values

How we work as a company


  • We promise what we can deliver and deliver what we promise. We strive to earn the trust of our partners and be the leading professionals in our field.


  • We are curious. We continuously seek to learn more, improve our operation and innovate new solutions for the benefit of the environment and our partners and customers.

Understanding the customer

  • We understand our customers’ operations and needs. We engage, listen, and respect – and always act according to the customer’s needs. 

How we work as a team


  • We think and speak openly about matters concerning our work and our team. We value direct and honest communication.  


  • We respect each others’ experience, expertise, and opinions. We listen to each other and learn from one another.

Joy and purpose

  • We always strive to find joy in our work. We collaborate in a relaxed atmosphere, with a purpose, and with professionalism. 


  • We want to succeed in our work, one pipeline at a time. 

Environmental impact

We want to protect the environment and ensure clean water and nature for future generations.